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Milonga every third Saturday!

at The Ballroom of Reno, 2540 Sutro St., Reno, NV

Next Milonga: 18 January 2025, 7pm.


VZtango offers two Wednesday night classes in Argentine Tango, an Elements class at 6pm and a Continuing class at 7. 

Who should take each class:

Elements -- beginning and less experienced dancers who are still becoming comfortable with tango foundational techniques and basic musicality. More experienced dancers are welcome - it always pays to work on your technique!

Continuing -- presumes competence with tango walk, close embrace, ocho, and giro. Class will use progressive combinations to improve technique, musicality, and improvisation.


Two instructor intensive learning for leaders or followers. Emphasis on posture, technique and communication for social dancing or your special occasion. Rates are $95/hr or $450 for package of 5, or $850 for package of 10 private lessons; rates include floor fee. Lessons must be used within one year at no more than two per week. Please inquire with VZTango Email for availability.

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